Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Unit 3 Reflection

Content Reflection
    •  This unit was about how the body functions. We learned how the heart operates, and functions, along with how the heart looks. we then learned about the blood in your body and blood vessels. We were taught what is in your blood and what it helps do, and then we were taught how there are millions of blood vessels in your body and all of them lead to a certain organ to help circulate blood. We also learned about cardiovascular disease like heart attack, stroke, etc. And we then finished up the unit by learning about the respiratory system and how the body produces oxygen and decomposes carbon dioxide.   The Cardiovascular system works by delivering oxygen and nutrients to the cells in the body. The system consists of the heart and the blood vessels in the body. The veins deliver blood to the heart, and the arteries deliver the blood away. 
    • Cardiovascular health is having a healthy heart, mind, or body in general. What causes heart disease is unhealthy diets, build up of plaque in the blood stream, lack of exercise and overweight and smoking. What causes stroke is a blood supply to the brain is interrupted. To promote my cardiovascular health, I can eat healthy, exercise daily, not smoke, and know my family history so I know either I'm at risk or not for a heart attack, stroke, or some other type of cardiovascular disease.  I would want to see how the heart actually processes the blood. Like it would be cool to see the blood circulate in the heart.
Reflect on your learning process and self growth 

    •  My strengths were being able to understand the heart and its function, but my weakness was not being able to memorize all the different types of strokes, and the different types of white blood cells. Some successes were being able to understand the heart, but setbacks were not having enough time to study due to extracurricular activities, and other course work.I have gotten better at my Unit 2 Health Goals due to more exercise and eating healthier. My goals for the remainder of the semester are to do and complete all my homework on time and then to study my material right after i go over it in class. 

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