- This Unit was about Obesity and Diabetes. Diabetes is a disruption to fuel metabolism, and type 2 diabtes is the mot common in the United States. We also learned about the Fed State which happens right after a meal and sugars absorbed by the intestine travel directly into the liver. The pancreas also releases Insulin, and the liver converts glucose into glycogen. The Fasting State happens within an hour of your meal and what happens is as glucose is used by the cells, the body continues to make glucose available to the blood in order to maintain blood glucose level. And finally there is the Starvation state which is where muscles rely solely on adipose tissue for fuel. The amount of time you survive is based on how much fat you have stored. In the Endocrine system, I learned that it controls the process involved in movement and physiological equilibrium and includes all tissues or glands that secrete hormones into the blood. Finally we learned about the Lymphatic System which functions as a sort of immunity for the body, Lipid absorption, and fluid recovery.
- This unit was very tough for me because there were a lot of concepts and understandings that were tough to learn. One example is during the Endocrine System lecture, it was tough remembering where all the hormones come from and what glands produce what. Another example was during the Fuel Metabolism lecture and understanding what all the states were and what they did. And finally in each lesson, there are so many tiny things that are important that we need to know like the flow of lymphs in the body or what each abbreviation stands for.
- This Unit we did multiple labs such as the Digestive system lab and then readings such as the Integration of Metabolism; Stress, Metabolism, and Liquidating Your Assets; and The Endocrine System. To be honest I learned some, but a lot of it went in and then out of my head because I thought these were boring readings. Yes it was interesting but because there were a lot of acronyms or anatomical terms it became befuddling to me at times making it harder for me to Understand.
- What I wanted to learn more about was metabolism, and I actually did when we were assigned an assignment to fink a link about a topic that interests you from this unit. I learned more about Metabolism and how it works and that became helpful for me especially because I want to gain weight and I have a high Metabolism.
- My New Years goals are almost complete, its just my sleep isn't the best due to all my extra curricular's and homework.
Buzzfeed metabolism Info: http://www.buzzfeed.com/carolynkylstra/metabolism-factoids#.uppV2lXyQ4