Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Nutrition Analysis

  • Write a report summarizing and interpreting the results of your diet monitoring and what you learned from the stations in Falcon Market. Identify and evaluate your nutrient deficiencies and excesses.  Cite specific evidence to explain where you are, vs where you should be.
  •  At the Falcon Market, i learned about food. Now i know that seems very generic but its true. I learned whats good and bad about food. Like how many calories is good or bad, how much fat is ok, how much protein one should eat depending on their weight intake, and also what are good ingredients and what are bad. In regards to my diet monitoring i realized that i need to start hydrating more along with eating more fruits and vegetables. Right now i am a bit behind on my  fruits and veggies as you can see below. I am also over my calorie count but it is fine because i exercise for about 2 hours a day and i have a high metabolism which allows me to get rid of calories faster. Thus the more food with the more calories is better, but as long as i don't stop exercising. I should also cut down on the refried grains a little because too much is not good for me. For dairy, even though i have 3-4 cups of milk a day it allows me to strengthen my bones more and it provides me with more calcium. And finally a lot of protein is good for me because i am an athlete and after  a 2 our work out i need to replenish the amino acids in my body to strengthen my muscles. 
  • Include a screen shot of your food tracker to show your 3 days of data.

  • Comment as specifically as you can on what you could do to improve your diet. Bear in mind eliminating an item from for your diet to reduce an excess of one factor may produce a deficiency in another. Conversely adding an item to make up for a deficiency in one factor may produce an excess in another. For the purposes of this assignment, you may not recommend the use of dietary supplements (e.g., vitamin pills). Your goal is to reach the appropriate balance using foods, not supplements.
  • What I can improve on is eating more fruits and vegetables. I have a low intake on them and to be healthier and have a "longer" day mentally, i should eat more of those.  I also eat a lot of refined grains daily which i could cut back on so that i don't over do it. 
  • What if you had the opportunity to coach someone on proper health and nutrition? What would you tell them to eat and what would you tell them not to eat? Justify your advice.
  •  It honestly depends who i was coaching. If i was coaching a skinnier person, i would work them harder by telling them to eat more of a balanced diet while having them workout to stay in shape. But it wouldn't be a lot of cardio, just the whole body in general. If i had more of a heavier person, i would work them harder in the gym and then give them a majority of fruits and vegetables along with milk and yogurt. There goal would be to lose weight but gain muscle. 

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